Marketing for faculty – College of Social Work

We were hired to do internet marketing for this higher education institution. During COVID19, the types of advertising that are typical for high schools and colleges were not available, namely the field tour of secondary schools.

Facebook advertising of a higher education institution

We primarily decided to offer facebook marketing for this university and achieved an incredible result. Student enrollment during COVID19 surpassed all previous years in which traditional advertising was used, in the field and through print media. Compared to the same period of the previous year, 44% more students were enrolled.

Content marketing

We proposed Content.Prima content marketing strategy for this higher education institution. Some contents were written by us, and for some we set a strategy so that school employees can write them. We’ve been trying to achieve regularity in posting over the past 6 months. Google analytics showed a jump in visits of 421% compared to the same period of the previous year.